Sunday 13 September 2009

A sneak preview of raya 2009 with my beloved abangs and kakaks =) Blissful!

It's been 3 whole years.
The past three years, I've been spending raya abroad. In London town. Where it's cold and chilly. A celebration day that usually either starts off with us not seeing the raya day coming the night before, or we're busy completing our assignments due ON RAYA day or burning those midnight oil for a test which the Uni conveniently decides to conduct on raya day too. Pffft. Talk about freedom.

Well, not anymore this year! I'm back home and fulfilling my responsibility as a muslim fasting with my beloved ones at home. Spending Ramadhan at home is so different compared to abroad, but nonetheless I miss it back in London too. It's just all about love and amazing time back here in malaysia.

1st year in London, I had an important lecture on the 1st day of raya, I had to give the raya prayers at Malaysian hall a pass and sob all the way
to the lecture hall
2nd year, I had a major assignment due on raya day, I had to burn the midnight oil and finish it up. Sucks big time!
Final year as a Uni student, I had a straight 6 hours lecture on raya day. But oh heck! It is my final year of raya in London... I decided to bunk it! Bunked the rest of the whole day and left for raya prayers first thing in the morning! Whooopdeedoooo =) And I NEVER regretted doing so!

Well this year, it will be different. Raya will be at home :) I'm anticipating. The time when I wake up and I see Mama, daddy and Abang in baju raya. Bliss! All 4 of us, in purple =) I can't wait to go through that epic moment after missing it the past 3 long years.
And this year, it has already started out different. I just had one of the most amazing pre raya celebration with my abangs and kakaks and ther's nothing I'd want to trade the wonderful time for. I've forgotten how it was like to balik kampung ramai ramai and buka together, terawih and main bunga api together and this year, it's just the perfect one for there was also noting like this back in London.

A complete set of events

Abang Amil fetched me and Yeen for a movie
We fetched the rest of my abangs and kakaks who were working
We went food hunting
We went to the bazaar ramadhan to drool over the food and drinks and just relive those days before we flew abroad to further our studies
We bought tonnes of food!
We had an amazing buka puasa together
We prayed Isyak together led by Abang
We prayed terawih together led by Amar
Byn, Lene and Uncle Syed provided bunga api and many other 'adik beradik' bunga api
We had a crazy games night

We ate tubs of ice cream
.... and we were just the happiest 16 year olds having an amazing sneak preview of a Raya that came early this year. The best I've ever had, and all because this time, I spent it with my own extended siblings. I've missed this and I'm thankfully happy I got to relive this moment =)


Anonymous said...

nice pixies of one happy family..
good to see that you're happy and smiling all the way..happy hari raya again..

p/s: the firework very nice indeed..hehe=) i guess you can see this in London..hehe

Anonymous said...

eee... jeles ok! Oh well, it will be my 6th year Raya in London! Oh my god!!!! How i wish i am back home. Anyway, i hope ill enjoy raya too this year, sighhh...

Alia Ishak said...

Anon : Thanks! Selamat Hari Raya to you too! ( if you happen to celebrate it ) =)

Sha : Sayang! Tak moh la jealous! :( But 6 years? I pengsan ok! I wished you were back here tooo please, beraya together. But don't worry, you have Yan around and her family are coming! So many lil ones you can play and beraye with! I missss you Sha!

Me said...

I love that RAYA 09 photo! :D