Wednesday, 25 August 2010

A New Ramadhan

It's not a De Javu anymore everytime Ramadhan comes. It used to be something very familiar and similar to the previous year whilst I was in London. EVer since I came back, every Ramadhan is different.

Usually, it'll be a Ramadhan filled with classes and lectures. However, last year was one kind of its own, when I spent my Ramadhan in the Hospital, everyday, for a month. I even deferred my intake for work so that I could care for my lil cousin brother in the hospital.

This year, I experience yet another new Ramadhan. This is the first time that I am celebrating Ramadhan and at the same time have started working. Long hours is not something odd where I work, so I found myself sahur-ing at the office the first day of Ramadhan, and presenting to our head at 7 am in the morning - when even the sun was not awake yet. The first few days of Ramadhan happened to be the few most hectic days at work, rushing for deadlines and finalizing a deal, hence the sleepover pyjama nights in the office! Everyday, we'd walk out to search for food for break fast and then get back to work, and then morning comes and it's BAU (business as usual).

I swear I looked like a zombie that needed sleep, but at the same time, was a happy one. All because I know, this kind of opportunity don't come too often and when it comes, might as well work my butt off. The  satisfaction I got was well worth every single minute I stayed awake. What more, I have an excellent team! So working hours come close to play time, especially when your team members are one who knows how to handle them pressure and stress. Things just work out excellently - even when things seem impossible at times :)

I'd say, it was indeed a test we were put through, as pressure and stress build up and the anxiety plus the eagerness to finalize everything to perfection. Ramadhan is not all about refraining yourselves from food, but also from all other unnecessary actions such as boasting, swearing, impatience and this time, it was definitely a good test for everyone. Alhamdulillah, everyone survived and kudos to the team, we managed to create a 250 pages book in 48 hours - a book that got the approval! Yum! :)

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