Thursday, 7 October 2010

Controlled Enthusiasm Fuels Inspiration

... was the title of one of the most interesting article I read in one of the many business magazines.

"Controlled enthusiasm is a priceless asset. No one is born with enthusiasm. It is developed by the correct combination of interest, knowledge and belief" - Dr Napoleon Hill

Hence, if you think hard about it, the more interest you generate in an idea, service or product, the more knowledge you will naturally seek. The more knowledge you gain, the more emotional belief will captivate you. As a result, you will reflect more enthusiasm for that which gained your interest. I think this is just the most genius equation - mathematically or not.

After reading this, I figured that maybe this is partly the disease that I suffer from that makes me so eager to work and so happy to be where I am. It's true when they say that enthusiasm puts into premise of 'whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve'. It causes you to glow and the feeling is just so contagious sometimes! It's like this great force within us that is perpetually prodding us to do our best, and at times, I get carried away that my mind moves faster than my hand can even follow. I love the adrenaline rush though when this happens :)

Here's the two important functions of enthusiasm as stated in the article. Firstly, it serves as the major factor in converting your negative emotions into positive ones, and secondly, it prepares your mind for the development and expression of faith. 

Enthusiasm dispels physical fatigue and overcomes laziness definitely! It kinda stimulates the nervous system and causes it to perform its duties more effectively. Imagine you work in Treasury, and your number cannot even be 0.0000001 point off the mark! Oh dear God.

Anyway, regardless of age or occupation, enthusiasm is indeed of value to everyone. It's the quality that establishes confidence and breaks down the opposition of others. The cultivation of controlled enthusiasm is also a definite aid in maintaining a positive mental attitude.

But just overpowers you that, like today, the adrenaline rush and my nervous system was working simultaneously, that I was running and rushing up and down, vetting through the documents whilst I was running that I didn't realize what was in front of me. Yup, I ran INTO A FREAKING GLASS DOOR. Thankyouverymuch bye!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

its one of those incident that i would like to wipe out of my (and my friends) memory, but i had a glass door running to me as well.
i do hope the glass door is ok. and you too.

keep writing. its been interesting thus far.
