Friday, 1 October 2010


Sometimes I don't know how else to explain how much I love work. I REALLY DO. I get really excited when there's a new deal I swear, and I babble so much about work at times. I get excited when we have tight deadlines, not because it's stressful and tiring (that's just crazy when you love something that could kill you long term), but because the adrenaline rush to make sure it is approved and executed!! I call that fun kinda stress. Of course you don't always have smooth sailing processes, but hey, that's only part and parcel of the learning process, isn't it? After all, problems/issues/concerns are bound to arise, but how you are able to manage it is what's more important. "No problem is life's biggest problem, there's always a way to find a solution to it, even if it's a huge one." I'm a big believer of this.

I pity my parents listening to me bout how much I'm so in love with my job everyday k! :P

My batchmates think I'm a psychofreak that loves work a little too much for no reason. Haha! I love how protective my batch is. I've had people that warn others to discount my views when asking me for comments - just because life out there is not all THAT rosy and apparently "Alia doesn't hate anything". Well, I do ok. I'm only human. But right now, I can't think of what they are. Actually, at one point, I think I figured that I might just have the skill to turn everything into pretty looking pictures. Now that's a priceless skill, if I do say so myself.

Alia Ishak can't ask for a more perfect day :) Great adrenaline-rush work load to meet deadlines, lunch break with the whole team and I mean the ENTIRE team sweating it out at the gym, back to work, a really good feeling when leaving the office and family time to end tonight :) Such is work life balance! Always thankful I'm in love with work. Yum! #TCB

September 14 at 4:28pm via Facebook for iPhone  ·  · 

  • Tamimi, Shahrin, Elina, Norm  and Sya like this.

    • really hope i can be totally in l0ve with work like you...gonna start working next year...puih~! scared!
      September 16 at 1:13am · 

    • really admire your enthusiasm for work. you make working sound really exciting!
      September 16 at 1:15am · 

    • alia,u better get some marketing bonuses!! im already heavily influenced by ur status updates and have come to a conclusion that there is no superior bank.lolz..

Siew Ghee Kung LimSeptember 19 at 5:44am Report
I'm so glad I have you on facebook. Your enthusiasm for work is 
quite amazing, and really contagious. 

I'd say it's because I'm still fresh in the corporate world, and I just love working, and my current job! I mean, you can create these happiness at work. If you want to. It's all in the mind I swear!

So now, some of my friends are putting a bet on what age they think I will not have this kind of motivation, enthusiasm and drive anymore. When I will feel saturated - I don't jump out of bed to go to work anymore, I just want to be a lady of leisure. Haha! They're so determine to kill my drive! :P

P/s : Once, I had 5 minutes to spare before the market close, rushing around for the last approver, found him and got him to approve. IN THE GENTS. Yes, desperate time calls for desperate measures! Mr Deputy CEO (who conveniently sits 2 cubicles beside me) was laughing just looking at me so desperate. Haha! Even I laughed at myself when it was all completed.

...and another, running around like a headless chicken since morning, with 17 minutes till the deadline, we HAD TO bombard the meeting with our CEO, to get to our last approver! Mr CEO understood perfectly :)

That's what I call Satisfaction at its Optimum level. I'm thankful.

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