Sunday 19 December 2010


It has become 'sort of' a norm that when December falls, my YCM Summit will 'conveniently' fall exactly on this special girl's birthday! I said sort of.

So last year, we celebrated after her real birthday, and it was all just us, the girls. No boys allowed. 

This year, gosh, I tried so hard not to organize the summit on her birthday, and guess what?! That was the only date available to have it. Well, we tried persuading her to come to the event, saying that "See, we invited a thousand people to the summit on your birthday to celebrate it WITH you!"

Nah. She didn't buy it.

So this year, Fadza and Ajjie had pre arranged her surprise birthday party - a week before. You guessed it right if you figured how sad I was. I had to RSVP with a 'maybe attending', though I know it was gonna be difficult. 

I know I was gonna be the busiest bee a day before the summit, which was conveniently also a day before her birthday. So two days before, I woke up and messaged Fadza first thing in the morning. Conveyed to him my surprise plan and lil Mr Boyfriend was oh-so-very-helpful - telling me of her whereabouts and schedule and at the same time told me to go do some work at FV. Pfft...


Happy birthday darling!

Birthday girl and I

She was shocked alright! I was happy in return. Yay! :) Fair.
So, I celebrated her special day with the whole of her construction and FV colleagues 2 days before! Sadly, I couldn't pull Fadza out of work, but I was indeed glad that I made time to surprise her, coz like I thought, I didn't make it to her surprise birthday party on the real day. It was an awesome celebration btw on the real day. But she understood that I had work. 

This girl has been nothing but AMAZING since the day I knew her. The one I can just rant and rant till I'm not stressed anymore, who knows how to make me happy, or plain go "Let's go for a happy breakfast tomorrow?" on weekends or one who will message me at 3 am to strategize breakfast plans. She's the loveliest person ever and I've been so proud of how she has achieved so so much at a very young age. I promise, next year, I will TRY VERY HARD to pass across the message about NOT having YCM Summit on your birthday ok? Love!

Then came Aiman's.

BBM sessions with Sya started 2 weeks prior to YCM. I don't even know how to explain the busy-ness we had to go through to get YCM Summit all prepped up - running around like headless chickens, fitting in YCM-related work in between working hours and after work. Liaising with companies and working out the logistics. Hectic!

So hectic that Aiman started waking up, panicking. My only helpful solution for him was, "Listen la to Disney songs!", coz it was so early one morning, I actually did not even realize he was THAT panicky.

Then, he and Firdaus fell sick.  A wek before the Summit! Argh!

Afterwards, I thought, this boy has YCM Summit 3 days before his birthday, exams, wedding to attend, studying to do. He has definitely forgotten his birthday. Partially if not fully. That's when the whole contacting his batchmates all around the world came to play. Where to do it? What cake to get? Resorting to BBM and SMSes to get his friends to write the card that Sya has prepared!

It was pretty difficult to keep it a secret though whilst I worked with him for YCM. Everytime I get close to hinting to him, I start to BBM Sya. Anyway, all prepped up, YCM Summit done, his exams done for the week, his project done during the day and the time came and...

he was an hour late. Earlier during the day, I tried to hint to him to get his project done ASAP, go have fun at night, I was busy at work, everyone in the world is busy, just so that he doesn't suspect anything. True enough, he took his own sweet time to get back, showered, get ready....and then lil sister and big brother did an excellent job dragging him out of the house!

He loves his POLOs alright, and I just got lucky that he wore the exact same colour that night! The cake was just excellent :)

He was surprised! Yay :)

The siblings

The hungry attendees

The amazing girl who made the surprise happen, Sya

Birthday boy and I

We actually stayed past 12 that night

Too many events happening in December. I haven't even gotten pass my YCMS-lag even! Last night was the Broadway musical, and it was awesome too :) Will blog about it soon! Right now, I need some sleep to stay sharp on what seem like a hectic working day tomorrow. And oh, good luck with the rest of your exam papers Aiman. No more surprises after those papers, definitely. 


Unknown said...

Thank you for this post Aliaaa!!!! I'm gonna shed a tear now hehe..

Alia Ishak said...

Ahaha! I don't believe you, but I still love you. You're most welcome :) See you soon!