Sunday 2 January 2011


It has been an absolute new year celebration this weekend! So many events were celebrated and they have all definitely left me in such a happy mood. Up till now. *Runs around the neighbourhood*

Tomorrow will be the first working day in 2011 for me (yeah yeah, I know some companies are still on leave, but oh heck). I'm pretty excited to go to work! New week, new year :)

2010 has been absolutely great to me, the ups and downs, the happy times and the stressful ones. All nicely packaged into a year. So this weekend was the start of a good new year for me indeed! It's funny how you get all re-energized and motivated come new year, with the whole list of what I want to achieve wishlist. To be honest, I'm pretty nervous to get through 2011. My professional paper classes is starting this month for God's sake!!

One thing's for sure - Allah is Great for He is always very fair. Before the new year came, I clearly remembered how panicky and stressful I was to end 2010 last week (So much so that I walked into if not a door, boxes. My leg and forehead are nicely bruised from that, thanks for asking...not). Well, that ended in a split second after work on Friday though, coz I got my biggest fair share of happiness this weekend!

Spent the whole weekend with lil miss bestfriend. Both Malay and Chinese version :P and the entire weekend with the Shukor family. and I mean the WHOLE family tree including the in laws!

New years with the family, nieces, nephews and cousin. Family gathering and lil nephew's grand aqiqah.

One of my closest colleagues at work got engaged.

YCM Thank You lunch was successfully executed! Together with the banner and lil thank you cards. It was indeed a happy gathering :)

Aiman got tickets for The Tourist. A must-watch movie. We loved it!!

And to add the best topping to all of the above : Mummy and daddy - daughter time catching up on everything before the working Monday comes. I love this that we do every weekend without fail.

Everyday, I never fail to feel this gush of thankful feeling in me for I am always happy and filled with optimism. I'm surrounded by amazing people. People who matters and make my everyday a happy day. People I love. Period.

Sometimes I think, happiness is a skill that you need to acquire. So is optimism. Why? Coz more often than not, everytime I meet someone, they somehow (quite skillfully I must say) have something to whine about! Be it the weather, or the hair, the shoes. Things that sometimes don't seem like it's life's biggest problem to me. For that, I am very very thankful that I am always filled with this happy happy feeling in me :) Of course I have my down times too, but that crops up very rarely.

For now, it's a working Monday tomorrow and all I have in my wishlist for this year is to be a better person as a whole, a good worker, able-to-contribute-banker and have the energy to achieve what I have set my mind to do. InsyaAllah.

Have a good start to the new year everyone!! :)

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