Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Perfect Birthday Part 2 - The day I Revisited My Melbourne Favourites

These girls put together
 At a fashion market

Go figure!

Just days before Kim touched down in Malaysia, she BBM-ed me and said, it’s quite stressful at work and she can’t wait to get back home. Previously, when she was home not too long ago, Shu, Kim and I decided that perhaps we should have a quick getaway when Kim gets home again and a short birthday get together before I leave.

Next thing I know Kim and Adrina (kim’s lil sister) has planned an early birthday girl’s day out – me and my Melbourne favourites; Shura, Kim and Rowena, the minute Kim touched down at KLIA.

Earlier in the morning it was me, Shura, Shura’s boss and the bird park. OMG, I know I’m a Malaysian, but that was actually my first time at the park. Did I mention the butterfly park as well? *smacks forehead* I felt like the tourist myself. It was rather funny being in a situation where everyone spoke with the strong Australian accent and I can only manage a very strong British accent. Confused much? We kept going "I beg your pardon" at each other halfway. Haha! If only I had a video recorder then.

Soon after, we were on our way to fetch Wena at her house and that was an adventure on its own. More animals as we had to pass Zoo Negara before getting to hers. Haha! Never put a Shura and an Alia together…it spells chaos. Wena on the other hand is the calm and composed one amongst us, even in the office. Yup, we work for the same company. So imagine what Wena was getting herself into. Next thing I know, she was as hyper herself!

Back in Australia, they used to assign an animal to each, and they just had to randomly decide on platypus for me. Oh God help me. One too many animal in a day I swear! The real chaos began when everyone was put together, Wena, Shura, Kim, Adrina and I + at Chic Pop’s fashion market! 

Let’s just say that the rest of the day was a splendid birthday day out with the Melbourne crew. I met so many friends at the market as well and even managed to drag Sya and Hidayah out to the event.

1 comment:

Kim L said...

I <3 u.
Still wished we had time for our lil getaway!
