Thursday, 27 January 2011

Perfect Birthday Part 6 - Just Us Girls

The boys, Aiman and Imran decided to climb Mount Kinabalu last weekend, so weeks before the weekend came, Sya had ‘booked’ both the brothers’ other half for a girl’s day out to celebrate my birthday. So very sweet, really! And I didn’t even know what was planned for me. Sya and Aliaa had it all planned in their heads and they weren’t telling me, even the slightest clue. It did not help that before the boys left, Aiman managed a “You’re gonna have loads of fun, don’t worry!”… and not telling either. Hmmph…

First stop. Hammam.
My first thought when Sya told me to wait for her there was “Hmm, I probably need this break”. Guess what happened next?! Aliaa and I were getting changed and we were both confused and we even asked ourselves “what did we just agree to do again?” HAHA! This was too funny. I swear two Alia’s in one place is enough to intrude the peacefulness of a spa! We were laughing silly and giggling whilst figuring out the different pieces of clothes given to us, I think the guy was secretly annoyed with Aliaa and I in particular :P Sya was relatively the quieter one since she got a room to herself. Trust bankers to flip and turn what have you, just to figure out what they are! Due diligence much? ;)

OMG, I shall not write details la k. It is just too funny I cannot take it. Next thing we know, we’re all dressed up to go to 'the beach', oh yeah. We were treated like proper princesses though in there, we just had to get hold of ourselves not to laugh too much. They practically showered us like lil kids, and before I know it, my just-washed hair was drenched. Not too smart not to ask for a shower cap there, but hey, we already paid, might as well I get fully drenched. At the end of the scrubbing session, both Aliaa and I agreed that we workaholics had more dead skin cell as compared to a student, probably coz we’re relatively busier (and obviously often sleep in work clothes for me :P). Sya wasn’t as ‘dirty’ as us ok!  What an experience!

We then headed to T Forty Two and gosh, the interior design was just so beautiful. Even the little cutlery that they used. Not to mention the excellent food spread as well. Simply delicious! It was probably my first time properly spending time with just Aliaa and Sya, and my word, these girls are amazing! I love them already :) Especially when we start being silly, talking about no-brainer stuff. 

Hidayah came to join us afterwards, and whilst we were going around catching up, Hidayah mentioned that she has never been to the Gardens, and I just had to mumble a "Movies!". Guess what happened next? Aliaa said "OK. JOM!


We found ourselves at the Gardens afterwards. 4 girls, a little on the hyper side already, probably from eating too much and just being very happy :) Well, at least until a stranger decided to give me flowers at Alexis. Gosh, these waiters! They definitely know my birthday was coming up huh? :P
This is when Kak Aliaa comes to the rescue, and yeah tu la, the boys just shouldn't have gone to climb that mountain. Quoting Kak Aliaa "No mountain is ever worth it :P". We then debated on who should tell Aiman the story. haha! I'm more than sure if anything, Aiman was thankful that Kak Aliaa was around with me for the weekend.

Did I mention that the Kifli brothers managed to conquer the Kinabalu mountain! Well done Aiman and Imran :)

All in all, it was one very happy day out, and I only have Sya, Kak Aliaa and Hidayah to thank for making it an awesome work-free (yeah, the weekend before, both Kak Aliaa and I were working) happy birthday day out, Sya even got her pavlova from Alexis that she was craving for! and lookie what I got :)

Inside is the prettiest card, all hand made, hand written!
Thank you sweetie!


RS said...

awww that's so sweet of her!! =) my wifey is like that. sorry for the intrusion! *cough cough* I'm sarina... sya's bestie =D

Alia Ishak said...

Hi Sarina, I've heard so much about you from Sya and Aiman :) All good things, don't worry. Next time I go out with Sya, you're coming along k sweetie :) Btw, you have an awesome bestfriend Sarina!

RS said...

I can't wait! And you don't have to tell me that, I already know. =)

SS. said...

aww you guys...too sweet! hehe. definitely must have a get-together one day! loves :)