Sunday, 20 March 2011

Sneak Peek - Whilst we get ready

After a very eventful Friday night and the whole of happy Saturday, I had to wake up with the most tired face, eyebags, sleepy eyes for



a photoshoot at Sime Darby Property this morning! 
(read: Ara Damansara)

Here's to the snippets of the preparations before the real photoshoot began

Lil Marsha and lil Aiman
Me with lil princess model
Princess in the making
Lil Aiman waiting for his turn to model. He was so hooked to Playhouse Disney, we had to bribe him away from the TV
Nearly done

My god, the whole team was just an amazing bunch to work with! I had a lot of fun with each and every one of the crew, that's for sure :) It wasn't easy trying to capture what they really want. From the way I sit, I look, I smile. The lightings and the camera settings. I didn't even dare tell them I was hungry coz they were working so hard!

P/s: We didn't even recognize ourselves when we were all done up! Now, I shall wait till the property-launch date to see the finalized version from the marketing team :)

After today, I'm even more in love with Sime Darby's properties. The interior and built ins are just excellent - beautified to perfection.

and look who accompanied me at lunch today straight after my photoshoot! I can never get enough of my lil nieces. They bring me such great happiness, bless them! :)


farhana said...

u looks so cute after ur make up done..

Kim L said...

wee! show me pics please! :)

Alia Ishak said...

Farhana : Hehe...Cute is Marsha and Aiman. They're so adorable in person!

Kimmy: Let's wait for the advertisement to come up, and then I'll send you a copy love :):):)