Sunday, 27 March 2011


is definitely the temperature of Happiness

They stay well away from me - all over different parts of the world. But with technology, it feels like we are (literally) neighbours! I just got off a call with Aisyah, and it made me realized that it doesn't take much effort at all to get and give back happiness to someone. Just need 2 seconds of your time to set up the laptop, sign in onto Skype and tada! 2 seconds of your effort that will give you more than 2-seconds worth of happiness.

It's a routine that every morning Shura will bbm/facetime me before she goes to work (Melbourne is 3 hours ahead). Phoebe will bbm me when she's about to sleep, usually that's when I am on my way to work, and once I step foot at the office she'll head to bed. And Aisyah whatsapp me when she wakes up, usually that's when I'm just picking up momentum for work after lunch hours.

Usually it is the sense of touch we associate most of all with warmth. But sound, which is the form of touch at a distance can bring us warmth too. Warmth is the potential for all emotion and therefore makes life itself possible. It's so true. I'm always so happy at work, music class and my usual daily routine that everything just seem possible at the end of the day!

I spent the whole of last weekend with the lil nieces and my colleagues' children and I realize that a baby cannot survive without a mother's warmth. Well, in my case, someone familiar will do too la ok :P
Physical warmth - to be touched, cuddled, protected, caressed, rocked - is not a luxury but a necessary condition for life. My niece can be scared one moment, but hold her hand and tell her that everything will be ok is enough to make her feel happy back again.

Like kids, we adults also need warmth - psychological warmth. Sometimes we need to be touched and hugged like babies, but most often than not, we need someone to talk to, someone who knows and appreciate us. Someone who cares about us. Warmth then becomes a quality in someone's eyes, that you hear in someone's voice, sense in the way she/he greets us. It is at the very heart of kindness.

and it made me feel feel so happy particularly when my colleague recently came up to me and said "you can bring happiness and relief by your mere presence. So don't go on leave too long. The office is so quiet when you're not around la", it just feels great. Alhamdulillah.


S said...

U made me smile on my journey to work today. Love u

aisyah ajib said...

I heart you :)

Alia Ishak said...

and I have nothing but the same to say to you two amazing girls :) I'm only thankful that I met you both. Love you two long time!


So much love. Missing our 'ant' times. Come back to UK, please? xoxo

aisyah ajib said...

back at you! xxx