Tuesday 18 October 2011

I'm a Malay

Once last time, I picked up a call and my friend on the other line was all formal with me. I thought that maybe because she wanted to practice to be proper at work when talking about our project. So I continued on before I realized that she didn’t know it was me.

Apparently, I sounded very serious and formal but at the same time cheerful and bubbly over the phone. Simply put, I do not sound like an Alia Ishak (the playful Disney cartoon). Naturally, I speak in English, yes, who doesn’t huh? From then on, I observed that it happened more times than I actually realized it. Weird, but absolutely funny when it happens. Only because even at work I am very informal like that if I knew who was on the other line.

Let me clear this first. I DO NOT speak with an accent. But at times, I do slip it in when the time calls for it, for example if an investor from the UK calls. My ‘Hello’ does not determine whether I speak with an accent or not.

So today it happened again. Only this time, it was a lil awkward. Someone called my extension asking for a Nadia, and I pointed out that he may have gotten the wrong extension.

Can I speak to Nadia please
Sorry, I think you may have dialed the wrong extension. There’s no Nadia here, or perhaps, she has moved to a different department? May I know what was the extension given to you?
Eh no la, it’s XYZXYZXY
Oh! That’s my extension! Hmm.
Last I called was in 2009
(Smacks my forehead) That’s quite a while back now. I haven’t been here for that long, so maybe she has moved by the time I came in. May I know who’s on the line please?
Erm…Who’s on the line?
Alia (with a smile on my face, I swear I felt it)
Oh! Melayu!
Not Chinese ke?
Are you mix?
Err…no? Ok sorry, you might want to check that number again.
Oh sorry, you boleh cakap melayu la!
Err…boleh la
Ingatkan Chinese or mix tadi sebab sebelum cakap nama tadi, you started cakap English and your English tu ade british accent
Oh…tak la. Melayu.
Oh ok, takpelah. Thank you ye
Erm....You're welcome?


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