Sunday 30 September 2012

The Day They Took my Phone Away Day 33

Warning: Picture heavy post
I super duper love kids, and I love talking to them and making friends with them. So when this one came quite close to me, I decided to say hello. Guess what?! He decided to ask me for my Blackberry! This is one businessman in the making, really. Such a charmer too, before he left, he gave me a hug and a kiss! So manja somemore!
Kids these days!! Of course he wasn't the only one, next thing I know his brother has told me to piggy-back him and lil sister wanted just as much attention. How can you ever say "no" to kids? I have a feeling, when I have kids of my own....I am gonna be SO.SUPER.ATTACHED. I'd need to marry someone who could scold the kids without feeling bad!

It was a super sunny Saturday, so we all decided to spend it outside at Hyde Park! Most of the time though was with these kiddos :)

Because he gave me a big hug and kiss before he left, it was only fair I gave him back the same :)


Suhana Sidik said...

Omg i miss them! Oh and also you of course :p

Alia Ishak said...

:):) I miss them too and missing you as well!