Friday 26 September 2014

No more

I came back from CIMB SEA Games recently with a silver medal injured ankle. Only this time, it was a terrible injury. That was worth it. That I don't mind going through the pain for. bla bla bla. Ok I shall stop now. 

My point is, that was my first ever SEA Games and I was incredibly excited that I was pushing myself like crazy at every training I had (and it wasn't many because I couldn't get time off from work). 2 days before we flew off for SEA Games we had a friendly tournament with some professionals and that was the beginning of a nightmare for me. Had a little accident during the second game and the ankle gave the loudest C-R-A-C-K I've ever ever ever heard in my entire life and almost immediately I felt faint. All the time thinking "SH*T it's broken! It's broken! It's broken! I'm so gonna get scolded!! It's broken!!". Was taken out immediately and attended to by my teammate who was trying to correct the twisted ankle. 

A game, a bandage and full consciousness later I went on to play the final 2 games and pushed through all the way scoring goals after goals I almost forgot about the ankle. Of course the next day, I wasn't able to walk properly anymore and was limping with ice pack attached to it the whole time (yeah yeah ok padan muka siapa suruh main). Worst times are in the morning when I get out of bed and it stings! So a night before flying off, I had to go for Physio at a sports physiotherapist and OH-MY-GOODNESS-SO-PAINFUL-I-CAN-FAINT.

However, there is something about that pain that feels very satisfying, I can't describe it in words, you've just got to believe me or feel it for yourself. Of course that would require you to sprain that ankle first for a good cause. LOL! SEA Games is held every two years, and 2 years ago I wasn't allowed to play as I was based in the London office. Last I checked London was not part of South East Asia :P Thankfully on competition day, I had enough adrenaline to push me through and amazing contingent-mates who strapped my ankle so tightly that I managed to run and played for team Malaysia. Frustrated I was for not being able to run as much or as fast as I wanted to and winning only the silver, but I felt proud watching everyone battle it out on the field and winning it as a bigger team, Team CIMB. 

I don't deny that Futsal is a dangerous sports, very injury-prone and perhaps some feel that it's a little rough for girls, I partially agree, but hey I can tell you once you start playing, you will never want to stop competing for your team! The feeling is just so so so motivating! :) But for now, I'll be out of games for at least a month whilst my lil ankle goes through recovery period unfortunately. A tad sad but if I plan to continue playing in the future, I've gotta do what an injured football player gotta do - REST AND RECOVER.

Ho well, it's a good reason to start looking into that wedding chores to be done ey?

1 comment:

Joannfoca said...

Please get well soon =)