Sunday 10 March 2019

Social Media Stigma

A friend once asked me this: "What should I say if that person asks me why I unfollowed her/him on instagram?"

My answer was simple. That person does not deserve an explanation. Either that or you can be very honest that the content no longer what attracts you.

Is it wrong to unfollow somebody? Of course not. It's a social media account after all.

You choose to be public or not because it's your account. You choose to follow or follow and then unfollow someone eventually because the content no longer attracts you. All these are choices you make - for yourself.

It does not mean that if you join the social media platform communities you get to dictate what your followers can or cannot do. You don't own these followers. You have no right on these followers. If you are a public account then be prepared to get comments that you may dislike or a very inspiring comment from strangers. Good or bad you've got to allow it.

Why? Because you had chosen to go public. Can you delete it? Can you block someone? Of course you can! Ultimately it is your account, it is your choice. It is your life.

Social Media accounts (or rather how your instagram account had performed) is not the ticket to heaven. It's literally what it is - a SOCIAL MEDIUM.

In today's world, people take everything on Social Media so seriously that it has led to so many social problems. People comparing lives on instagram/facebook. Getting envious. Wanting to be the most liked - but not portraying your true self. Wanting to be seen with the latest handbag/gadget/lifestyle because you had seen someone have it on social media or getting into marital quarrels because you just told your spouse that you wished you were both more like that celebrity couple.

Always think before posting something up and be very careful to not post something that you are not.

It's ok to not post your whole life on social media but I've said this in my previous post - people are crazy to think that what was not (insta)grammed never happened. People think you have a perfect life because of all the happy pictures posted, the laughing moments at work, the nice OOTds. Like any other normal human being, everyone does feel sad and down for many different reasons.

What's most important is to be a responsible social media user. If you choose to post something, post it up because it is true - not because you think the post will garner likes and elevate your popularity. Not getting many likes does not mean people hate you nor does getting a million likes means everyone who had liked it loves you. Don't tell me you count the like from "mahukan ketiak putih?' and "hi I'm old money collectors" accounts as legit?


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