I guess the more you give, the more you get!
...and I guess I just gave my inspiration away to share with the rest of the world?
Coz after this post, I did not stop getting incoming emails from many ( and I mean so many). Some I know, some I completely don't! But I can tell that these people that I have never but will one day (InsyaAllah) meet, are amazing. Overwhelming indeed :)
To those who messaged me through my email and facebook messages, I would just like to say you're most welcome in return for your thank you, and at the same time, thank you for your very kind words :) It may just be a short email/message, but be assured that you've managed to successfully transfer great happiness to me! Happiness is contagious :)
I thought some were very cute too! "Thank you for transferring over your happiness. I suddenly feel so happy I want to do work now" and "Can I trade places with you and be happy all the time?". Another was for me to consider writing an inspirational book. The encouragement definitely multiplied my happiness and made me more motivated to write :)
However (and unfortunately), truth be told, I do not have the best writing skills in the world. My true love lies within the numbers 1-9! I love me numbers alright! :) Hopefully one day in the future, I will make more time to pen down my thoughts and share my motivation and happiness around with everyone and by then I would've mastered the writing skills! Amin
Btw, it's not 24/7 that I'm filled with jellybean happiness! That's really not human la ok. I do have my stress moments too sometimes. Just that it's very very rare :)
Have a good week and stay happy everyone! Much love! :)
Hahaha... :)
I am not surprised with the response
When I first met you in YCM, I feel you are a nice, bubbly and friendly girl! Fun too! :)
For a period of time, I used to be happy like you until I think I better control myself. Otherwise...
Clyde: Shucks, you're too kind, thank you very much :):)
Uh oh...otherwise what? Haha...I hope nothing too bad!
It is not really bad but the usual ending is not something I would want
I will let you know if we do meet during the CEO Series
Alia bear, I miss you ! You are my ray of sunshine :)
Syah : and.. I so can't wait for you to land in KLIA babes! :):)
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