Oh my God! Oh my God! Only Allah knew how happy I was yesterday, I don't think anyone could ever measure my happiness yesterday. Well, economically, happiness cannot be measured :) I'M SO HAPPPPPPYYY!
Sayang, you did SO MANY NEW THINGS TODAY!!! and geee, one day you make me cry like yesterday, one day you make me smile the widest smile ever! Even bigger than when I got my University results :):):) haha! Coz there's just tooo many things, I'll list them down for you to read when you wake up fully nanti k
- Firstly, Abang Zaid from MCOBA came. He told us so many stories of you guys being prefects, and used to jage budak budak Form 1 and all, and then when he was about to leave, we told you "Abang Zaid is going back Azwan. Say byeee!". and you opened your eyes SO BESAR, and you managed to pick up your hand and waved goodbye!!!
- Then, Kak Zuraida came to do Physio for you yesterday, and whilst at it, Mummy, Melisa and I decided to stick around and motivate you to exercise so that you can get better faster. "Come on Azwan, help kakak do physio for you please. You asyik tido je, tak exercise tak boleh main football nanti. Make us happy and proud, come on, if you can, move your left leg and your toes"... and YOU DID!!!! Ahhhh!! I can jump up to the sky! "Well done azwan! You did so so well. Nanti Kakak ni nak datang lagi tolong you if you are a good boy like this".
- After physio, we lifted your bed higher up, close to 90 degrees to sit you up. Train you to sit, lama lama you can baik cepat, can sit and can walk. Then we decided it's time for lunch, we fed you. This time, we tested with the syringe, through your mouth. We shot soe milk into your mouth to see if you could swallow, and YOU DID!! We gave you a 10 ml dose, slowly, day by day we will increase k :) Sebab semalam when we gave 20ml, you couldn't swallow on your own, everything came out back, but it's ok. If you need to puke, just puke. We'll clean it up for you. You just do what you want k? Then, at one time, I said "Emmm, sedapnye bau susu you Wan. Macam Horlicks. Sedap tak?"... and you NOD!! and then I continued with "Alia nak sikit boleh?"... and you SHOOK your head signalling a NO. Ahhh! So pandai!!! So comellll please! I laughed so hard, that I started teasing you and nak ambik the whole bottle away and you just stared at me. hehehe... So sweet la you ni :) Tak la, I main main je, tak curik pun your susu. We gave you through the tube after you got tired with feeding through the mouth
- Best part was, when we put you to sleep and lullabied you some songs. Then you picked up your right hand, shook your hand, gesturing, and you did a little gesture macam nak tekan ball point pen. I looked at Melisa and said "I think he wants a pen". and true enough!!! We placed a paper on your bended knee and OH MY GOD! You wrote!!!!
First, you wrote sooo fast and then finished off with two underlines. But we couldn't interprete, so we said "Azwan, we cannot see. Can you write slower please and we'll spell with you". and you gestured for the pen again... and you wrote, this time slowly as we spell,
S...O...R...R...Y. Melisa and I just got a shock and was taken aback! Afterwards, we assured you that there's nothing to be sorry about. We're more than happy to be with you every single day caring for you every hour. and we kept repeating that to you, until your hands requested for the pen once again. We gave it to you, and you scribbled on the NewsWeek with a "Really Soon" now before you lapsed back to sleep. I think you must have meant, that you're sorry bout troubling us caring for you, and that please don't give up on you as you will wake up really soon! Now that was the best thing you've ever done to make me smile sooooooo wide yesterday and made Melisa and I cry :):) Happy tears! You're the sweetest and soooo clever! Just brilliant.
- Then, as I was about to leave at 5, Melisa and I accidentally whispered in front of you "Haa, Alia, kalau you nak balik dulu, balik la, I jage". And at that same moment you scared us both when you opened your eyes! So big and stared straight up, turned your head towards where I was standing and reached out your right hand. As I gave you my hand, you grabbed my over my shoulder and pulled me towards you!! and you didn't let go! Kuat please you ni. Then I figured, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned I was going, so I agreed "I'll stay k, I'll stay. I'm not going to leave you. I won't, I'll be here" and you let go of the grip on my neck. Phew... I'm still alive. haha! I know you're very sweet and manja and all, tapi janganlah ganas sangat. hehe...
- After that, when you opened you eyes once again, Melisa and I stood in front of you. Then we asked
"Azwan kenal Alia tak?" and you nod...
"Melisa nak balik Ipoh next week kerja, but I'll come back every weekend. Nanti Alia will still be here. Alia will jaga you ok?" and you nod...
"Sayang, if you can see us, pat Alia's face", and your hands went between our faces and you pat MINE. Intelligent boy you are! I was soooo happppppppy to see your responds!
- Towards the night, when we gave you dinner, and we're done with it, I said "yay! All done! High five Zwan!" and you HIGH FIVED ME and afterwards you placed your right hand on Melisa and I, and patted our backs, probably saying thank you. So we said "You're welcome! "
... and this time, as I was about to leave, Melisa explained "Azwan, alia kena balik kejap je, kejap, to buka puasa ok? Nanti she will come back. Can?"...you opened your eyes, looked at me, more like scarily staring, and nodded, and you WAVED ME A GOODBYE!!!
I was so happppppy! I gave you the biggest hug ever and kissed you good bye. You've made my day the happiest one today, indeed! I love you very very very much for making me sooo happy today :) I love you yang